The Longest Ride In My Life Like Literally

The longest road trip in my whole life yet - like literally 24 hours without a bed just seated on and off in the van, to a boat, then back at it in the van.

From Cebu City until the end of this journey, it was a van that catered 14 people inside with their heavy loads that carried their needs for the trip. The van, I believe, is a Toyota urban estate, which was from Sister Mila - a long-time member of the Rosamystica Community. I was, of course, excited to be in Manila again. I just can't wait to venture what's waiting for me in this expedition. Traveling always makes me anxious - it's a feeling of both excitement with fear. But I never worry so much, just letting good vibes flow.

So basically, here's what happened:

 The van arrived at 3pm to pick us up in Cebu and traveled 2 hours to Bogo. Ate our dinner at San Roque Child Development School - that was the first stop. Subsequently travelled back again on the road to Pulambato - second stop, to sail over water.

By sunrise, we arrived at Placer, Masbate - and that's where I took the above picture from the environment of seamen at their ship. It smells salty, or maybe it's just the ocean. The scent of the sea, fishy, stinky smell like in the fish market made me think what's it like to live your life surrounded by water. I'll probably be a great swimmer and could breathe hours under water.
Anyway, it's breakfast time - the best part of the day. Nothing to brag about, but we only eat at Jollibee (thank God they serve pancakes!). Afterwards, we got back on board again for another long ride to Masbate Proper.

I was never bored on the van. There were lots of activities that I did: reading, listening most of the time to pop music especially to T-Swift and Andrew Allen, taking selfies on the road, snapchatting my cousins back home - making them jealous but wishing they were with me on that journey.
Most of the people were in their 50's and only three - including me - were, shall I say young.

Speaking of young! Masbate is such a beautiful place. No wonder why the government wants to protect it from illegal-logging. Coconut trees planted around the mountains, mango trees, and whatever trees that stood there. It's so refreshing and green. Wishing that Cebu City could have been more greener.

Though, we only spent a couple of hours in Masbate on the road before heading to our next destination, it made me missed my home in the province too, where I used to chase chickens, hunt for spiders, watch my corn grow, climb on trees - those are just a pinch of what I did during my young country girl days.
We arrived at the port an hour early before barge off. 
I wanted to rest in the boat until we get in Albay but the people were having fun too much, I just couldn't sleep. So I lay awake watching a movie with them called 'Pagpag' starring Kath Bernanrdo and Daniel Padilla (another KathNiel world...) I got tired, finally, of watching the movie - I decided to sleep.
Mama Bebe woke me up - like what's so important that you have to wake someone while they are heavily sleeping from a very long road trip, that their eye-bugs are deeper than a black hole. Like seriously, was there an emergency? Yes! there was! I've always wanted to take a picture with this woman, a selfie with this perfect woman, and I'm glad that Mama Bebe woke me up. She's the Best!

A glance to Mayon Volcano

Isn't she amazing? Yeah, She's a female volcano - as what most Filipino myths say and she is also so perfectly shaped triangle - Lady Mayon. Yet I know she is so far away, but seeing her like that again, is magnificent. I was mesmerised.

Not for long, we stayed at a hotel - Eurotel - when we arrive in Pio Duran. A good night sleep for me was served at last after 24 hours without a bed.

Places: Cebu, Bogo, Masbate



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