Jealousy Is A Disease

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In love, when emotions overtake your control, it can ruin everything. Just pray that the love between you two is stronger than any force of raging negative feeling. Once or maybe twice or more, me and him get into a misunderstanding. I think it's because of his doing; there are actions which he's not aware of that is making me jealous. In my side, I try to ignore these little irrelevant actions, but big things come from small beginnings. I don't know how to confront him without sounding jealous or weird, but most of the time, he thinks I'm being weird. It's probably because of how I reacted whenever I'm suspicious—I act crazy, and I don't even know! Is that crazy?
Do you think I'm in an unhealthy relationship? Should I stay or leave? Don't worry about it. I've chosen my path.