Like in most occasions, my family prefers celebrating a small sweet gathering at home with more freedom than anywhere else. Conversations can stretch for hours, laughter may be as loud and long, and the little kids (as we have four little ones running around and one coming up a head) can play as much as they want and can scream and cry without bothering strangers. Well, there’s no place like home makes it truer than ever.
Today, fathers’ day brought us closer. My mama, papa, brother, my dad, mommy, ates and kuyas were there. My nieces and nephews too. My in-laws as well. My cousins. The house was full and alive, and I’ve always loved it that way.
We prayed, as per usual before eating, and sincerity was felt in our prayers. Then I gave Father God a popcorn greeting in my heart—Happy Fathers’ Day. For a minute, I thought there should be a fathers’ day song made for this event; it would be very fitting. Afterwards, utensils were then distributed to each.
So without further ado, everyone dove to the signature dishes of the family: my papa made a chicken Bisaya tinola, grilled pork and chicken; Ate Khen made macaroni pasta; my mommy made escabeche sweet and sour fish; my mama did the table-setting; I bought the cakes and desserts; my brother bought the drinks; and Ate Inday funded the food.
Taking pieces of every dish, I enjoyed my food while talking about randoms topics from recipes Ate Khen used with her macaroni, how cute my niece Rohui was wearing a small backpack, ideas of island hopping, comparing our tanlines and sunburns from our previous family day, guessing when Ate Cam’s Baby No. 3 will arrive, to just about anything! It was light, calm, and peaceful. Thanks, God.
Heading to the living room, YouTube was on TV. Apparently, what was shown was not so festive. It was the world’s top 20 most destructive events. It was my dad’s choice to watch as of the moment, and the selection was his for the choosing. Nonetheless, it was quite interesting and noteworthy. Who would’ve thought a tsunami could be as big as the Empire State building? Yep, it already happened on 1958 in Lituya Bay. See, this night turned out to be educational as well.
While I was devoured by history, cleanup was ensuing. Cutleries were now set back to their places. Paper plates and disposable spoons and forks trashed. The night was slowly rising, and it was time to get ready for bed. This was a beautiful night I thank God for. And I always pray for more and more celebrations like this, where it’s all about the family.
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