Moms Edition: Happy Mother's Day!
In my point of view, what does a mom wants on Mother’s day?
Well, as a mom, I would assume all mothers out there would want some nice relaxing
morning with breakfast ready in bed, prepared by our beloved husband and the
kids because simply that's all I want—but it's not necessary.
Other than sweet morning treat, who wouldn’t want a week trip to the beach and an awesome full body spa, and some romantic dinner date
or, at the very least, just a day by yourself.
A day to sleep; to be a cave lady again—oh those good old days when I was single and had all afternoon to myself, doing what I want. But who am I kidding? Heck! Yeah! I want to be a cave lady and
stay on my cave all day! Not worrying and not doing anything but to sleep and
eat. Although being lazy is just another side of me that I never thought I
would miss.
Wish I could say that was what I hoped to spend my Mother’s day. But I
didn't had that, because what else would make me happier than to see my boy
laughing and giggling? Nothing!
So the plan has been changed. Needless to say, there wasn’t
even a real plan is the first place. Just the spontaneous decision of going to a secluded newly launched resort, where no crowd is visible. Before going, we went to church and pray, then finally to
this diving resort called Aozora—sounds Japanese, because it is owned by a
Japanese or am I right? We then had some late afternoon swimming with the kids in their infinity pool with one other friendly family.
I expected to see smiles and giggles all on the face of my
son, Rion, but he was scared all throughout the time in the pool. So my heart
breaks a little, but swollen with happiness to see my family together and
having a quality time with each other.
When we came back home and saw all the clothes that need
to be folded, it instantly gave me a minor headache. Plus, I had another minor
migraine when my baby doesn’t want to sleep. I almost regret going out and
wished I should have stayed and gave myself a full day rest or sleep all day—seriously I haven’t had much sleep lately.
But that was a good 2nd Mother’s day experience.
Maybe next time I will be able to hear and see those cute little giggles again
when he’s in the pool.
Now, it reminded me again that being a mother is a constant
work, even if they are all grown up and refused your help, you can’t help but
think about your child and be their mom whenever and whatever the situation is.
So to all the moms out there, cheers for being a hero!
Happy Mothers day! ❤❤❤
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